

We insist that the digital domain must be regulated first in place with ethics.
And that quality of life and a large and full “fitness-model" of our networked ecosystem, is a must for long-term sustainability.

The digital/innovation market represents an opportunity, but we need to follow regulations.
In particular, as regard Data security and the inner respect of persons peculiarities in their private convictions. Which is non-trivial nowadays.

BTW, when conceiving and developing innovative solutions, equipped of high-technology and huge mass of information, it is subtle the discrimination between what you want and what you can do. It is more and more frequent the case where the choice goes for what you can do before, by skipping the controls. Like in SUA, the sudden unintended [unexpected, uncontrolled] acceleration in driving vehicles.

The hearth to make radical decisions sinks its more rooted kernel just there: where you need an added quid in effort to find the most complete, strong, radical and – at same time – ethical solution together. It's a matter of elegance in the model, and you can not forego if you belong to that ethos.

In delivering our services, we have elaborated a contract model that includes all the mentioned principles, from the mechanisms to the price-policies. When applied to project design / PMC services, we adhered to the European Register of EU-Project Designers (The Netherlands), and the Association of Euro-designers (ASSOEPI, Italy) we sustain as principles controllers and steering entities. In transnational consortia implementing complex actions, we can operate carrying on, on behalf of X23's clients, activities involving advocacy, lobbying, promotion, public affairs and relations with public authorities (identification number in the EC Register of Transparency #015930817369-82).
In any condition, we strive to give the best and to prove it.

X23's Pledges:

X23's Quality Labels, Certifications:

European Solidarity Corps | X23 Quality Label ⤴︎


Transparency Register of the European Union | X23#015930817369.82 ⤴︎