We bridge the gap in the value chain, connecting R&D to Industry. We cooperate with the most ranked universities and innovation research centers in Europe and beyond, linking the most advanced technology to the industry needs. Or supporting the industry in bridging the gap in the development roadmap of disruptive products to be launched onto the market. Technology Transfer deals also with technical skills and knowledge: we facilitate the connection between the industry and the most specialized technical skills in an “Open Innovation” perspective.
And our R&D programme supports young and radical ideas to root and bootstrap.
We are addicted to make innovative ideas grow.
We provide innovation support services to enterprises, regardless if they are startups, SMEs, or large companies, in a very transnational dimension. And on different topics ranging from ICT to advanced manufacturing, from health to agritech, from space to digital tourism. Our background experience, long track-record methodology has hardened on numerous fields of research and industry applications. Moreover, we are inspired and driven by “collaborative innovation” thus fostering dialog, knowledge, innovation transfer, adaptivity and resilience.
Our Growth programme is committed to increase competitiveness and prepare to disrupt the market.
Advanced and complex processes are in our DNA.
We provide superior tools assisted by performative computational systems and non-linear transactions to trigger the scale-up capacity to mature innovative assets. Whether in the field of Artificial Intelligence applications, IIOT and new manufacturing; wherever but in Europe, the US and Canada, Asia and the APAC or in the Mediterranean and EMEA regions, X23's networked mechanisms together with a powerful, remarkable crucial pool of partners will strongly commit for scaling-up at the due speed.
X23's Scale programme is starting just now, in the new EXOO|23 Radical spaces.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme is a transnational exchange initiative offering new or aspiring entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn from experienced entrepreneurs in different Participating Countries. X23 The Innovation Bakery™ is honoured to be the IO (Intermediary Organisation), and contributes to the programme in Italy.
The European Commission launched in the year 2023 a specific call just for Ukrainian entrepreneurs, which is the umbrella for our brand-new project named EYE4UA, running from October ’23 to January '26. Step into the transformative journey of EYE4UA, where you, as a techpreneur, can play a pivotal role in driving green growth and advancing social entrepreneurship through hands-on initiatives.
This inclusive program empowers Ukrainian nationals (even those displaced) to revive businesses in the market. Emphasising the social economy and tech innovation, EYE4UA fosters resilience and agility. Focusing on green and digital transition, it matches new entrepreneurs (NEs) from Ukraine and host entrepreneurs (HEs) from the EU-27 and other 13 countries while reserving a special quota for women NEs and HEs. This exchange occurs as the NE spends time with the experienced entrepreneur, facilitating the acquisition of skills essential for managing a small enterprise. Simultaneously, the HE gains valuable perspectives on their business and the chance to collaborate with international partners or explore new markets.
Application and participation in the programme are free of charge. Any organisation must request no application or participation fees.
Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs è un programma di scambio internazionale che offre a nuovi o aspiranti imprenditori l'opportunità di imparare e apprendere informazioni utili all’apertura di un nuovo business da imprenditori esperti che lavorano in diversi Paesi Europei e Pesi affiliati di tutto il mondo.
X23 The Innovation Bakery™ ha recentemente ricevuto l’accreditamento come Organizzazione Intermedia (IO), ovvero un ente che cura la relazione tra l’aspirante imprenditore e l’imprenditore ospitante lo scambio, verificando l’attendibilità e la serietà della realtà ospitante e offrendo supporto al giovane imprenditore durante tutta la sua esperienza.
La Commissione europea ha lanciato nel 2023 una call specifica per aspiranti imprenditori di origine ucraina, alla quale X23 ha partecipato proponendo insieme ad altri partner Europei il Progetto EYE4UA, iniziato ad ottobre 2023. EYE4UA può rappresentare una vera opportunità sia per aspiranti imprenditori che per imprenditori più esperti di dare il proprio contributo nello stimolare una crescita sostenibile e collaborativa, promuovendo l’imprenditorialità sociale attraverso esperienze sul campo.
Questo programma inclusivo offre a cittadini ucraini (anche se residenti temporaneamente in altri paesi) la possibilità di lanciare nuove attività commerciali sul mercato imparando da professionisti con maggiore esperienza. Con un focus sull'economia sociale e sull'innovazione tecnologica, EYE4UA si pone l’obiettivo di favorire la resilienza e l’innovatività del settore imprenditoriale Ucraino mettendo in contatto nuovi aspiranti imprenditori (NE) Ucraini e imprenditori ospitanti (HE) provenienti dai Paesi Stati Membri dell’Unione Europea e da altri 13 Paesi affiliati nel mondo, riservando una quota speciale per le imprenditrici NE e HE. Questa esperienza consente al NE di trascorre del tempo con l'imprenditore esperto (HE) acquisendo nuove competenze essenziali per gestire una piccola impresa. Allo stesso tempo, l'HE ottiene preziose nuove prospettive sul proprio business e l'opportunità di collaborare con partner internazionali o esplorare nuovi mercati.
Candidarsi e partecipare al programma è gratuito, nessuna organizzazione può richiedere tasse di iscrizione o partecipazione al programma.